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Although I do readings everyone has a different style and you may want to check out these other professionals as well. There are several people who I have worked with that I can suggest:
Tarot Reader - Debra from Aradia's Treasure
Tarot/Angel Cards - Tara Lewin. Taralewin.com
Astrologer - Brana from Biofield Therapy
Channeled Readings and Tarot Readings - Richard Bruce - https://knowthyselfreiki.com/
Numerology - Numerologist.com
One of my favorite crystal vendor is The Best Stuff On Earth which is found on Etsy. Or if you are in the NJ, NY areas, check out Now and Then at gem and mineral shows. Derek and Diana, have crystals with amazing energy and they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I have never been disappointed with anything I have bought from them. Please note that this store is seasonal and may be closed during certain months of the year.
On Etsy you can also find, SparklesofSol, who has beautiful Reiki infused crystal jewelry. I have worn her pieces on several of my videos and they feel great! There is a lot of variety and the energy is wonderful!
Aradia's Treasure is not only a beautiful physical store, but sells many beautiful energetic supplies online. The energy is lovely and just going inside can be restorative.
Enchantments, located in Boothbay Harbor in Maine has it all. Not only are there beautiful crystals, but the staff is knowledgeable and helpful. The amount of oracle/tarot cards is bigger than any other place I've seen. They also have many other energetic supplies, plus clothing and decor. Could spend hours just looking at one jewelry case. This store is an experience!
My favorite metaphysical store is Aradia's Treasure in Merchantville, NJ. The store not only has beautiful crystals, but you can also find books, candles, cards, energy clearing tools, jewelry and so much more. Here is a link to a video to give you an idea of what the store looks like. The energy is phenomenal.
Brana is a Reiki Master who specializes in Tesla Healing Metamorphosis and Accunect. Both systems work well with Reiki and bring different frequencies into the energy body. Check out her website: www.universalenergywaves.com/
TEDx videos are some of the most viewed on YouTube. To learn how you can prepare to give one of these amazing videos, check out the video and website at the link below: https://www.reddotstage.com/
Dawn of Angelic Reiki is a Reiki Master that works with angels in her Energy work. She has lovely peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Here is the link to her website: www.AngelHealing.us
Stephanie White is an EFT Practitioner who brings warm and loving vibrations into the healing work she does. She is also a Self Empowerment Coach which brings a unique perspective into her energy. Here is the link to her site, https://www.tappingintobalance.com/
Happy Avocuddles - Inspirational Quotes
Milazhuravlik - Inspiring text and photos
Know Thyself Reiki - Readings and free Reiki offers on Facebook. Vibrant and powerful energy!
Angelic Reiki by Dawn - Offers of free Reiki, inspirational quotes, and readings.
Dawn Tarr -Scott - Reiki infused posts, photos, and more.
Happy Avocuddles - Motivational and Inspirational Information
Мила Журавлик - Although in Russian, this blog posts uplifting messages about nature and the beautiful world around us. Use Google Translate to view in another language.
Personal Mastery Quest - Motivation and inspiring daily videos on manifesting and getting the most out of life.
Dawn Tarr-Scott- Reiki infused videos of paintings with wonderful energy.
Tuning Forks, Ohm Therapeutics (best ones I have found for beginners) Can be bought on Amazon.
Lemniscate Tuning forks (wider range of sound) found on Amazon.
Woodstock Chimes - Great for clearing spaces found on Amazon.
The Future is Yours, Raymon Grace (Pendulum book). Can be bought on Amazon.
Pendulum for Energy Work (this is the type I use), found on Amazon.
The Energy Medicine Kit - Donna Eden, A great value! Includes a CD, DVD, Instructional Cards, and a Pamphlet, found on Amazon
Sound Healing - Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks (this book has a cd, not the tuning forks) - Marjorie do Muynck, on Amazon
Selenite Rods by the Pound - Dancing Bear, on Amazon
Feng Shui Crystal Balls - Asfour, on Amazon
The Pendulum Kit - Sig Lonegren, on Amazon
Cast Iron Pot - Lodge, to burn incense or Rose Petals, on Amazon
Unpluggable Digital Microscope - on Amazon
Subtle Energy Techniques - Cyndi Dale, on Amazon
Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs - Jacki Smith, on Amazon
Window Sticker Grid - Mandala Arts, on Amazon
Hanging Bless for Clearing Energy, on Amazon
Energy Medicine - Donna Eden, on Amazon
The Little Book of Energy Medicine - Donna Eden, Dondi Dahlin, found on Amazon
Access Your Brain's Joy Center - Pete Sanders, on Amazon
The Emotion Code - Bradley Nelson on Amazon
The Healing Code - Alex Lloyd on Amazon
The Divine Matrix - Gregg Braden, on Amazon
Animal Frequency - Melissa Alvarez, on Amazon
Four Paws Five Directions - Cheryl Schwartz, on Amazon
The Reconnection - Eric Pearle, on Amazon
Psychic Healing, Sylvia Browne, on Amazon
Essential Oils Desk Reference on Amazon
Shaman, Healer, Sage - Alberto Villoldo, on Amazon
Why People Don't Heal and How They Can, Caroline Myss, on Amazon
The Secret of the Shadow - Debbie Ford, on Amazon
Reiki for Life: The Complete Guide to Reiki Practice for Levels 1, 2, & 3 - Penelope Quest, on Amazon.
Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree of Reiki - Frank Arjava Petter and Walter Luebeck, on Amazon.
The Reiki Sourcebook - Bronwen and Frans Stiene, on Amazon.
Practical Reiki: Focus Your Body's Energy for Deep Relaxation and Inner Peace - Richard Elli, on Amazon.
Reiki for Dummies - Nina L. Paul, on Amazon.
Reiki and the Seven Chakras: Your Essential Guide to the 1st Level - Richard Ellis. on Amazon.
A Gaia Busy Person's Guide to Chakras: Finding Balance and Serenity in Everyday Life - Brenda Rosen, on Amazon.
Chakra Balancing: A Guide to Healing and Awakening Your Energy Body - Anodea Judith, on Amazon
Wheels of Life - Anodea Judith, on Amazon
The Complete Book of Chakras - Cyndi Dale, on Amazon
The Complete Book of Chakra Healing - Cyndi Dale, on Amazon
The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy - on Amazon
Wheels of Light - Roslyn Bruyere, on Amazon
Ask and it is Given - Esther and Jerry Hicks, on Amazon
All books for Manifesting - Abraham Hicks on Amazon
Leveraging the Universe - Mike Dooley, on Amazon
Mind to Matter - Dawson Church, on Amazon
Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting - Lynn Grabhorn, found on Amazon
Flowdreaming: A Radical New Technique for Manifesting Anything You Want - Summer McStravick,
found on Amazon
Leveraging the Universe - Mike Dooley, found on Amazon
Quantum Success - Sandra Anne Taylor, found on Amazon
Welcome to Your Crisis: How to Use the Power of Crisis to Create the Life You Want - Laura Day, found on Amazon
Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs - Jacki Smith, found on Amazon
LLewellyn's Comple Book of Correspondences - Sandra Kynes, on Amazon
Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting - Lynn Grabhorn, https://amzn.to/36oH2MD
Discover Your Psychic Type - Sherrie Dillard, on Amazon
Practical Intuition - Laura Day, on Amazon
Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts - Howard Wimer, on Amazon
Psychic Navigator: Harnessing Your Inner Guidance - John Holland, on Amazon
Practical Intuition: How to Harness the Power of Your Instinct and Make it Work for You - Laura Day, found on Amazon
Nutrition for Intuition - Doreen Virtue, on Amazon
Psychic Children: Revealing the Intuitive Gifts and Hidden Abilities of Boys and Girls - Sylvia Brown, found on Amazon
Divine Intuition, Lynn A. Robinson, on Amazon
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology - Kay Lagerquist, on Amazon
Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed both their Lives - Brian L. Weiss, M.D., on Amazon
Angels in My Hair: The True Story of a Modern-Day Irish Mystic - Lorna Byrne, found on Amazon
Bridging Two Realms - John Holland on Amazon
The Mediumship Training Deck - John Holland on Amazon
The Barn Dance- James F. Twyman, on Amazon
Sacred Contracts - Caroline Myss on Amazon
A Harmony of Angels - Angels McGerr, on Amazon
Hiring the Heavens - Jean Slatter, on Amazon
Angels, 101 - Doreen Virtue, on Amazon
Angel Numbers - Doreen Virtue, on Amazon
You're Not Going Crazy . . . You're Just Waking Up! The Five Stages of the Soul Transformation Process - Michael Mirdad, found on Amazon
The Secret Language of Signs - Denise Linn, on Amazon
Messages from Spirit - Colette Baron - Reiki, found on Amazon
The Magic of Flowers - Tess Whitehurst, found on Amazon
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology - Kay Laguerquist on Amazon
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life - Drunvalo Melchizedek on Amazon
Biogeometry Signautres -Dr. Karim Ibrahim on Amazon
Sacred Activations Oracle Cards, Lon, on Amazon
Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols - Eva Kenaz, on d
The Secret Language of Color Cards - Inna Segal, on Amazon
For anyone suffering from IBS, read the story of how Alison was able to release it and is now leading a normal happy life at Sick of IBS.
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*All services are done via Distance Reiki.
*DISCLAIMER: Reiki is a complementary energy modality and should not be used as a replacement for medical needs. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Always seek the advice of a medical profession for issues and challenges. Reiki videos, photos and scheduled Reiki services should not be received while using machinery or driving. Since everyone's energy is different, results may vary and are not guaranteed. When purchasing a session/service make sure to read the pages below.
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Lourdes Lebron, ReikifromLourdes.com, and Rest, Relaxation, and Reiki.com. No text or portion of this website may be copied or used for any purpose. All rights remain with Lourdes Lebron, ReikifromLourdes.com, and Rest, Relaxation, and Reiki.com
Experience the healing power of Reiki with our February 2025 Reiki Sunday Special. This exclusive offer combines the soothing energy of Reiki with the tranquility of a Sunday retreat. The February Reiki Sunday Special is to assist with bringing in supportive, helpful, and uplifting people in our lives. These are people that help us feel not only that we matter, but are see us for who we are and appreciate us. We want people in our lives that can assist us with making a positive difference. Click the link below for more information