Lourdes and team respond to emails between 8am and 4pm est. Monday thru Friday.
Lourdes and team respond to emails between 8am and 4pm est. Monday thru Friday.
Signed in as:
"I am very sensitive to energy so I could feel when you started and ended the session. I love it!! My hands and arms get so warm and relaxed. Then my whole body felt relaxed and would get slight twitches in random spots...my neck...my lower back... My eyes were closed and I saw cloud-like movements of colors. Gorgeous!!” ~ J. D.
"I have been working with Lourdes for over 10 years, either in person or by distance, and the results I receive from Lourdes are, well, astounding. There is a peace when the shift of energy beings to work that just flows like the perfect beach day. Some of the attunements are emotional, but worth it. I've learned to cry if I have to, be angry for a day, sleep, indulge in the comfort foods, go for a walk, talk to my Higher Power (God) when I need clarification, or just sit quietly and reflect.
I can not accurately put into words what the Reiki feels like physically because everyone is different, but what I will tell you is to try it. Consider it a gift from the Universe. Lourdes has my absolute faith and trust; she is honest in her work, in her fees, in her beliefs and in her explanations. If it's the money part of it, I get that. Take advantage of the free Reiki offers, see how you do with those, and then save the money or splurge the money on the opportunity to begin healing." ~M.
"I am physically more relaxed and at peace in her presence and after our sessions together. Her ability to intuit where my body needs help never ceases to amaze me! The healing process she ignites in my mind and spirit is equally as rewarding and I have changed, definitely and positively for the better, since I began a regular treatment schedule. Lourdes is truly wonderful to work with and the strength and skill with which she practices Reiki is a gift anyone will appreciate!” ~ Liz
"In times of doubt and confusion, if you find yourself struggling for answers and reassurances from outside of yourself Lourdes can guide you inwards to help you realize the powerful resources already within you, with which you can bring about your own magnificent transformations. In her unique ways she can assist you in learning to take on a world intent on delivering a constant stream of anxieties and uncertainties, and in manifesting your heart-felt goals and desires. Her gentle inspirations reach me each day." ~ Maria K
"I am a full paying client for me and my family's engagement of Lourdes' services ranging from Reiki, past life clearing to soul retrieval sessions. I am also a certified Reiki level one and two student to Lourdes' classes.
All these started from me simply utilizing the free resources made available by Lourdes' RestRelaxationReiki Youtube channel. I love my experiences from working with Lourdes' works for a month and over in the beginning of time. This helped me gain trust and confidence to invest in her provided services that led me to where I am today.
Lourdes alongside with the support of her family, is highly quality, talented and knowledgeable in the areas of the services she provides. She is also highly open, kind, loving, sincere and a great listener! If you feel drawn to her and her work, I highly suggest that you consider working with her further through RestRelaxationReiki's provided services. If you feel that you need more time to deliberate, continue to do so while utilizing all the free videos she puts out regularly.
I genuinely feel so honored to be a student of Lourdes as well as a client of RestRelaxationReiki. I hope you feel the same at some point in time too - per divine order and time." ~N.S.
"I did Kundalini Reiki after practicing Usui Reiki for 2.5 years. Kundalini Reiki brought a very strong and grounding energy into my life. During the detox i purged some deep-seated anger and fear from many many lifetimes. Post the detox, this attunement brought me back to earth in a lovely way! Infact my overall energy in life has improved greatly. Increased concentration in meditation, increased stamina and higher resilience are just some of the changes. Kundalini Reiki has also been a dream come true in terms of healing trauma from the past as well. I feel like it gets to the root of the situation and pulls it out for good. I feel like if Usui Reiki is our connection to heavens then Kundalini Reiki is our connection to Mother Earth and it really stabilised my energy as a practitioner." ~ S. K
"All attunements been special for me, and always the next one feels more powerful. I always feel excitement before an attunement and curios of how will be. During the attunement I’m usually aware where the energy is flowing, it can feel like a nice energy massage and it will make you more aware of where are you’re blockages.
My special attunement it was my last one of course :), the clairvoyance attunement. The energy felt very strong during the attunement, especially in my third eye and root chakra. That’s not a small think but for now I find more important how you feel after the attunement. And I do feel great. All the pressure in my head it’s gone, the pressure in my ears it’s gone. I feel clear minded and a sense of ease.
We may know it mentally but after Reiki attunement you will know it with all your being that we are more than flesh and blood, we are energy :). I’m grateful for my teacher for being always there, patient and kind." ~ C.M.
"Reiki helped me to alleviate a lot of the my frustration, anxiety and helplessness. It is a wonderful tool for personal healing and inner transformation.I feel confident, and the most happy I have ever been. Thank you, Lourdes : ) " ~V. V.
"If i have to summarise this attunement in 2 words i would say it's like - 'Coming Home'. This attunement vastly opens up the energy channels! Everyone i sent Reiki to wrote back saying that the sessions have been extremely powerful post this session. I hardly had any detox from this one. Feels like my soul was waiting for this attunement for an eternity. It somehow brings a deep sense of faith and connection to the universe. Dai Ko Myo holds a very special place in my heart, it's the one symbol that helps me with every problem under the sun! The biggest gift of level 3 is however the ability to be able to pass on the gift of Reiki to people. Which surpasses everything else." ~ S. K.
"I usually struggle with getting answers from the universe even if they are spiritual in nature. But ever since this attunement I have felt such a strong connection! I write down a question or a wish in my journal and the next day I have an answer. I have also started writing a lot more than before suddenly! And such profound thoughts that I astonish myself. So many long-standing confusions in my head are resolving so rapidly the last 2-4 days that I can’t believe it. I have pretty much been activating this energy handless ALL day and it’s been wonderful. I have sent this energy to a few of my friends and they experienced visions of outer space and other galaxies. It was as if they took a spaceship ride across the universe and came back. Some even experienced a complete balancing of the left and right hemispheres." ~S.K.
"This has probably been the most spiritual attunement of my life. I have had many deep spiritual experiences in just the past week itself. It's like i am not the same person i was before this attunement. I have also been detoxing a lot from my throat - crying out grief from God knows which past lives! Maybe it's because it's the first time my Thymus was attuned.
Gold Reiki is very powerful to connect to deities!! I am a very devotional person by nature but last week all of a sudden all deities have suddenly become a lot more alive than what i used to be. It's like i have access to realms i didn't before. I am guided to attune myself in the past to both these energies tonight, can't wait to see what comes up :) Your fibonacci symbol added another boost to the already boosted energy." ~S.K.
"I always love your energy and you have helped me so much. Thank you. Sincerely ~ T.L."
"Thank you so much for everything you do! I found your YouTube channel a few weeks ago and after a series I of life setbacks I’m finally feeling so much better and able to start on a new journey." ~ P.L.
"At first I felt a lot going on in the lower chakras and stomach area. The next was blue white swirling colors maybe with a ball shape at one end on my head. And last was a really wild one with all I can describe it as was a giant sparkly hug around my chest that made me lol! That was wild." ~ D.T.S
"I have enjoyed many different experiences with Reiki over the years, but none more so than the Past Life Regression and Reiki Treatment I recently received. Although I was a little afraid to revert back in time, the experience has been an amazing and comforting one. If you're looking to do this, but have doubts, GET OVER THEM and do it. Lourdes introduces the experience in her typical fashion with superior knowledge, compassion, and gentle guidance. Worth the time!" ~ Maria S.
"Working with Lourdes has sped up my journey to a healthier life in the most amazing way. My sessions with her have been comforting, enlightening and always healing. They, as well as Lourdes constant support in between sessions, are a part of my life that I am very grateful for." ~ Paula
"Lourdes is the most amazingly gifted healer I have ever held the pleasure and honor of knowing. She has a beautifully open radiant heart filled with deep kindness and compassion for all beings in both the spiritual and physical realms. Lourdes shares her gifts freely and selflessly as she fulfills her soul’s highest intention in this lifetime -giving in loving service to others for which there is no greater purpose in the Universe.
Lourdes’s reiki sessions are magnificently powerful beyond that which words can express. I have experienced several reiki healing sessions with Lourdes and received my Reiki II and Reiki Masters instruction and certifications from her. Lourdes’s gifts as a mentor are as divinely brilliant as her gifts as a healer for she is an incredible intuitive, immensely sage and lovingly nurturing.
Since working with Lourdes my life has forever transformed. Through her awesome healing abilities, Lourdes has helped me release the toxic energy lodged deep within, acting as an impermeable barrier and preventing me from manifesting my soul’s deepest desires.
When I first met Lourdes, I felt as if my life was falling apart and the walls were caving in. I was terrified - employed in an extremely hostile work environment that was causing my health to deteriorate rapidly.
Shortly after beginning my reiki sessions with Lourdes, I began to manifest feelings of deeper inner-strength, empowerment and self-confidence. My faith in the Universe had been renewed as I began to trust that It was always conspiring in my favor for my highest and greatest good and that of everyone concerned. Eventually, I became empowered to the point of walking away from the job that was draining the life force from me – something I would have never had the courage to do in the past.
As a result of this deep inner healing work, my health has improved exponentially and I feel twenty years younger. My uninhibited fairy energy is restored and it is light and free and filled with renewed exuberance and enthusiasm for life once more. My digestive system, which was so terribly compromised, has returned to an almost perfect state. My blood pressure and heartbeat which had been abnormally escalating is now calm and at ease. The anxiety attacks and low blood sugar drops have subsided. There is peace and harmony in my world.
I will forever be grateful to the Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides who divinely orchestrated my path to cross with Lourdes’s. While there will always be inner-work to do, I have permanently transcended in consciousness and have grown tremendously in Spirit.
I have recommended Lourdes’s vast healing abilities to all my friends and now they are loyal clients and amongst her greatest fans. Lourdes is a wonderful inspiration to us all – the world is much more beautiful and blessed place because she is in it.” ~ Lisa
“Working with Lourdes is healing on just about every level. I am physically more relaxed and at peace in her presence and after our sessions together. Her ability to intuit where my body needs help never ceases to amaze me! The healing process she ignites in my mind and spirit is equally as rewarding and I have changed, definitely and positively for the better, since I began a regular treatment schedule. Lourdes is truly wonderful to work with and the strength and skill with which she practices Reiki is a gift anyone will appreciate!” ~ Liz
“I have been on a very intense spiritual journey and going through undiagnosed medical issues for the past 10 years and since over 100 doctors have failed me, I found alternative modes of healing. I have been to many types of so called "healing" practitioners who promise health and clarity and to no avail I hadn't found one practitioner who could successfully fulfill this vow, until I met with Lourdes.
Lourdes is more than an Reiki Master, but a true gifted healer. Since I started seeing Lourdes my life has made so many positive changes that I cannot believe it. The areas of my life that have been blocked have started to open up and the majority my physical symptoms have suddenly disappeared. It is amazing to see the transformation that is occurring in my life, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Lourdes has opened past wounds and helped me heal them, which in turn has helped me manifest the changes I wanted in my life.
To me, Lourdes embodies so many qualities that to say that she is gifted is an understatement. Her warmth, her true commitment to healing supersede any other practitioner I have ever worked with. Lourdes does not do her work because she can, but because she wants to heal and because she cares. I have sent many friends to Lourdes and each one has come away from the experience as if they were reborn. To me Lourdes embodies the essence of a healer, giving unconditional love, light and energy. I cannot thank Lourdes enough for her continued healing hands and light....they continue to change my world.” ~ Rosie
"I waited for years to find someone like Lourdes! I had read about Reiki, researched it, and even sent out feelers for prices. They came back too high and the people insincere. When I met up with Lourdes in late March of 2007 I knew my wait was worth it. Over the past 7 or 8 months my entire journey has changed, the blocks and obstacles are removing themselves, the energy is flowing easily throughout my entire body, including the Universe and I have learned so much from Lourdes there isn't enough room to write it! Respect, encouragement, dignity, a sincere embrace when a challenge is overcome, it's all Lourdes. I treat myself to a treatment every six weeks...it's like a massage for the Soul!" ~ Maria
“Not being a believer in Reiki, I went to Lourdes out of sheer desperation when I was experiencing chronic migraines at work. Without even telling here where the pain was most prominent, she immediately put her hands on the back portion of my head and began administering Reiki. Within ten minutes the pain was almost completely gone and with her suggestions for follow up sessions the pain completely subsided. I recommend her to anyone with chronic pain and I continue to seek her assistance for any aches and pains that come up during the day. Lourdes is an absolute miracle worker.” ~ Nicole
“I have been receiving Reiki treatments from Lourdes for the past year and a half. My experiences have been nothing short of amazing. Reiki is a painless, non-invasive, natural, and highly effective remedy and I highly recommend Lourdes' services as an experienced practitioner.
My first treatments were for head colds. In the past, my colds always moved into my lungs and before I received Reiki I was finding myself in the emergency room on a nebulizer. I decided to try Lourdes' Reiki treatment and was extremely glad I did. For 2 different colds, Lourdes was able to redirect my energy and keep the congestion from reaching my lungs. Soon after, my colds went away.
I have also been treated on 2 occasions for insomnia. Both times, I was able to sleep soundly for 8 hours following treatment after numerous sleepless nights. And continue sleeping for subsequent nights.
Other successful treatments I have received have been for headache and irritable bowel syndrome. It is truly wonderful to not have to resort to medication for any of my ailments. Lourdes' Reiki always remedies the situation.
Sometimes during treatment I will feel minimal pressure, which Lourdes quickly resolves. I am always amazed when I feel energy moving in my body. I may see a specific color at times. I find the treatments to be very relaxing. I highly recommend Reiki from Lourdes. She has a terrific bedside manner and possesses a remarkable intuition.” ~ Lauren
“I admit when you first told me about Reiki I was skeptical but because I know how caring and loving you are, and because I knew that in your heart of hearts, you want to help everyone get to a "better place" either physically or emotionally, and because I was in so much pain in both areas, I decided to try it. I was astounded and I admit, a little psyched out at first, but after a while, I could actually feel a difference in how I felt. To feel the warmth and serenity take the place of the cold and fear and pain was incredible. To feel the positive energy flow in place of the negative...extraordinary! As I told you, I even used what you'd taught me when I was in the hospital to keep myself calm. When I came to you with thoughts and visions and dreams and you saw that I had a gift and helped me expand on it was awesome. I tell everyone about it and you because if ever there was a "mortal" sent to earth to help us poor souls get through a strange, difficult and often time painful life, it is you. Thank you. For everything.” ~ Martha
I had just met Lourdes when I had fallen and hit my head pretty hard. I had a concussion and my vision was blurred. Lourdes knew right away without me telling her what had happened to me. So immediately without hesitation she sent me Reiki and almost instantly I felt better, both physically and emotionally. She did this for me every day for about one week. When I went for my follow-up visit with my doctor, he couldn't believe how quickly my head injury had healed nor could he believe I didn't have any permanent damage to my eye from the fall. Lourdes is truly amazing and one of the best at her craft! I don't know what I would do without her.” ~ Robin
“My back was hurting from a furniture move. The pain was in my lower back and shoulders. Once Lourdes started giving me Reiki, the pain went away." ~ Mike
“Had shoulder pain from a baseball injury Pain went away after receiving Reiki once.” ~ Slim
“The Reiki really lifted my spirits and it took away the pain I was experiencing in my head, back, legs and feet.” ~ Austin
“Reiki makes me feel so many different things. With Lourdes especially, the experience brings a range of intense emotions - healing, happiness, relief, excitement and sometimes even sadness. While we all have the power to make Reiki our own, it is my opinion few are true Reiki masters. Anyone who has spent time with Lourdes knows that she is one of these few...” ~ Liz
“Felt relief from persistent elbow pain that wouldn't go away. Has been a year and it hasn't come back. Only needed 1 session.” ~ Todd
“Clearly having a bad day. With a small touch of your magic I was invigorated the rest of the day. This has happened several times since that day." ~ Dante
"As my Reiki Master, co-worker, and good friend, I'm intimately familiar with Lourdes' god-given healing sensibilities. I confidently and enthusiastically recommend her services to anyone who is serious about effecting real and positive change in their life.
From a very early age, Lourdes has been intimately familiar with her intuitive abilities, empathic abilities, and has practiced a stunningly wide array of different healing modalities. This is evident in the profound insights and vast knowledge she has provided me with as a student and client.
All of this aside, what makes Lourdes so special and unique is the sincerity and veracity of her words and actions. Lourdes approaches everyone and everything in her life with the utmost love, respect, and passion and exudes an amazingly positive attitude. Indeed, when a person of such character and virtue wholeheartedly dedicates her life to healing others, healing becomes much more than a meer passion, it is a mandate from heaven." ~ Roger
"In times of doubt and confusion, if you find yourself struggling for answers and reassurances from outside of yourself Lourdes can guide you inwards to help you realize the powerful resources already within you, with which you can bring about your own magnificent transformations. In her unique ways she can assist you in learning to take on a world intent on delivering a constant stream of anxieties and uncertainties, and in manifesting your heart-felt goals and desires. Her gentle inspirations reach me each day." ~ Maria K
"10. Lourdes is a gifted psychic/intuitive
9. Lourdes is an talented and powerful reike master
8. Lourdes is an amazing mother to a very psychic/intuitive family
7. Lourdes is a kind and supportive wife to Richard
6. Lourdes has raised two beautiful, sensitive and bright children
5. Lourdes is a wonderful asset to her employer
4. Lourdes is a kind gentle guiding soul to the world around her
3. Lourdes knows the importance of good energetic balance and is generous with
sharing her knowlege.
2. Lourdes is generous with her support and kindness
Drum Roll.....ba ba ba ba...
1. Lourdes is an amazing teacher and healer and friend. I sense a greater purpose is coming your way to serve the world on a much larger scale. I am honored to be learning and growing from you!" ~ Mele, K.
"I had my ovaries removed in 2013 before I left the hospital the nurse said that my doctor would give me HRT and when I spoke to my doctor his reply was the hospital should have given you HRT...... 3 months ago, after insisting on speaking to a female doctor I was given HRT. They just made me suicidal and thrombosis so I stopped them and had constant night sweats etc. so when I saw your one for balancing hormones I was so pleased. Not one word of a lie I could feel the cooling down in seconds and so try to use it every day until I can get a doctor to listen to me. So again, a massive hug of gratitude to you for sharing your gifts." ~ M.C.
"I am honestly lost for words to describe how much you and your work has helped and is continuing to.
Sending a massive hug of gratitude and when I finally get this bad hernia mesh removed and get a job shall send cash too.
Again, I love your videos, the beautiful flowers are just wonderful and the cold chills I get when listening are spookiest but magnificent." ~ M.C.
"Thank you for this video. As I played it, I felt my mind getting clearer and clearer. It was amazing to experience my thinking all coming together like that. I plan on listening to it more. I appreciate you making this so accessible." ~ Debbie R.
"Also, I want to say, I am loving the inner child Reike video. I am having some wonderful shifts with this one! I am so grateful you are creating these for everyone! What a great and creative way to help many people on a broader scope!" ~ Mei K.
"This is just so lovely and wonderful - thank you so much for sharing it with us." ~ Lisa R.
Hi Lourdes, I keep forgetting to tell you how great the videos are. I love the abundance one and each time I watch I begin to write down all the words that mean abundance to me. With love I am sending you some of what is on my list: Abundance of: love, hope, warmth, caring, energy, strength, health, giving back, peace, memories, strong breath, clarity, focus, sharp mind, respect, positive thoughts." ~ Audrey W.
"Thank you soo much. I just did it and felt the energy!! :-) " ~ Monica R.
"I LOVE your Reiki channel. I just did a massive self cleaning while receiving your positive energy. Thank you." ~ Giovanna A.
"Thanks for these Lourdes. I have been keeping the videos running often during the day while I work and I do find they help with clarity, calmness and more relaxation while i'm on the computer or working on a project." ~ Paula O.
"I am so grateful for these videos and the ability as a non-practitioner to now incorporate Reiki into my everyday life. When I'm on the computer working or brainstorming or just catching up on emails, I choose one that fits where 'I am' at the given time and let it replay! It's amazing to have this kind of regular support. Thank you!" ~ Liz L.
Hi - I love your videos.....for me the most positive thing is having the experience at work. I can add them to my program and go about my day. Alot of gunk is being released and that's been an amazing experience for me." ~ Maria S.
"Thank you so much for providing this Lourdes! Your videos have helped me so much" ~ M.G.
"Love 💕 these Videos so much they bring so much peace and joy into my home I am a Grandmaster Christ Centered Energy healer and I am endlessly ministered to by every thing you do!! Thank you for giving this gift of loving energy to the world." ~ Sheila
"Hi thankyou so much for your youtube channel, I want to say to you I'm incredibly grateful to be able to access reiki for so many things. I've used the channel for some years and its extremely helpful to me. The fact that I can actively take action and help myself and my relationships, is very uplifting and very much needed, I love the channel. Thankyou so much xxx "~ L
"Thank you so much! I love you so much and your work is amazing I watch all your videos you have helped me so much and I love sharing your work so it will help others as well .. love and light
" ~ K
For more testimonials Lourdes has over 1,150 + videos on YouTube with many more testimonials on each video.
"It has more than paid for itself in my opinion. Within the first hour of playing the videos, I sold art and got a bunch of jobs. That is truly amazing.
After taking a break for a few days from it, I started again.. and sold another painting.
Thank you so much, this is so much fun! This is so neat, and I love that you did it.
You have certainly been holding back on us with the intensity of energy.. these will knock your socks off lol
Thanks Lourdes
Blessings!" D.S. T.
*All services are done via Distance Reiki.
*DISCLAIMER: Reiki is a complementary energy modality and should not be used as a replacement for medical needs. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Always seek the advice of a medical profession for issues and challenges. Reiki videos, photos and scheduled Reiki services should not be received while using machinery or driving. Since everyone's energy is different, results may vary and are not guaranteed. When purchasing a session/service make sure to read the pages below.
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Copyright © 2013 REIKI FROM LOURDES - All Rights Reserved.
Lourdes Lebron, ReikifromLourdes.com, and Rest, Relaxation, and Reiki.com. No text or portion of this website may be copied or used for any purpose. All rights remain with Lourdes Lebron, ReikifromLourdes.com, and Rest, Relaxation, and Reiki.com
Step into a world of healing and renewal with our March 2025 Reiki Sunday Special. This limited-time offer is your opportunity to experience the power of Reiki in a unique and wonderful way. Let the energy flow through you as you relax and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. The goal of this session is to assist you with becoming a Positive Luck Magnet. Luck is an energy frequency and we can open ourselves to it with Reiki. Luck can come in many ways, and this is to bring in the luck you may need to make your life better. The frequency of this positive vibration may bring un